How much should I charge as a Freelance 3D Artist?

Freelance 3D modeling and design is an exciting field that allows you to work on various projects, from video games and movies to architecture and product design.

However, determining how much to charge for your professional services on a particular project can be challenging. Regarding pricing, many factors come into play, including your experience, skills, location, and the project’s complexity.

How much should I charge for a 3D project?

The 3D Artist Quote Calculator was designed specifically for artists who need to quickly estimate the cost of a project for a potential client. This calculator is a must-have for any freelance working in the 3D industry.

This calculator is incredibly easy to use but powerful. It allows artists to adjust the parameters of their projects to get a more accurate quote. With its intuitive interface, the 3D Artist Quote Calculator is essential for any artist looking to quote their clients quickly and efficiently.

If you are a 3D Artist looking to make a quote for a potential client, this widget can help you save time and get more projects. This widget is the perfect addition to any artist’s toolkit.

How to use the Quote Calculator

Project Level

Use this value to determine the quality and complexity of the project and the client status. Take into account factors like client, country, distribution of the final product, etc.

Level 1: A small studio working on an indie project.
Level 10: A well-known studio and a AAA project.

If you work with an outsourcing company, remember to evaluate your direct client, not the company at the top of the chain.

Time in Days

Type the number of days that will take you to finish the job.  Try to be as accurate as possible. Consider that 1 day equals 8 hours of work.

Example: If you estimate finishing the work in 40 hours, input 5 days.

Years of Experience

Select your years of experience on the specific task that the project needs. This value will help reflect the fact that with more experience your time is more valuable.

Example: 6 Years of experience as a Character Artist. Even if you also worked 3 years as a Video Editor in the same industry.

Office and Equipment

This section refers to the depreciation of your equipment (PC, monitor, etc.) and the utilities required to perform the job.

This is only considered if you use your equipment and pay for your working space.


Select only the software that you will use for the project. The cost will be calculated depending on the duration of the project. This is not the full price of the software.

If you purchased a Maya Indie license for one year and the project lasts 2 months, only a proportional part of the software cost will be reflected in the total amount.

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